AI-Invented Self-Healing Concrete May Revolutionize Road Repair

AI-Invented Self-Healing Concrete May Revolutionize Road Repair

Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a new type of self-healing concrete that could potentially eliminate potholes. The AI-designed concrete contains bacteria that produce calcite, a natural cement, when exposed to water and oxygen.

When cracks form in the concrete, the bacteria are activated, producing calcite that fills in the gaps and repairs the damage. This self-healing process could significantly extend the lifespan of concrete infrastructure, reducing the need for costly repairs and minimizing disruptions to traffic.

The AI algorithm used to develop the self-healing concrete analyzed vast amounts of data on concrete composition and properties, identifying the optimal combination of ingredients and bacteria to achieve self-healing capabilities. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry and improve the durability and sustainability of infrastructure worldwide.

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