

Desku is a robust help desk software that aims to boost customer support and retention. It offers seamless communication by integrating live chat, email, and social media platforms into one centralized platform.This streamlines messages and enhances customer loyalty by providing a unified and efficient support system.Desku provides a range of features and solutions tailored to different industries, including retail, education, and NGOs.The tool offers shared email inboxes, social media inboxes, live chat software, and a customer knowledge base powered by AI. It also supports popular e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, Ecwid, and Shopify.The pricing details are not mentioned in the text, so it is advisable to visit the Desku website for more information on pricing plans.Desku prides itself on its AI-powered assistant for instant response, allowing businesses to automate customer support and provide real-time assistance even when the support team is unavailable.

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