Meta's plans to introduce AI-generated users on Facebook and Instagram have sparked controversy. The company's vision, as outlined by Connor Hayes, Meta's vice president of product for generative AI, involved creating AI profiles that can generate content, interact with users, and even have bios and profile pictures. However, this concept has raised concerns about authenticity, representation, and user control.
Initially, Meta launched 28 AI-powered profiles in August 2023, but most were quietly scrapped due to lackluster user interest. The remaining profiles, which included AI-generated content and chatbots, were met with criticism and backlash from users, who expressed discomfort with the idea of interacting with AI entities.
One of the primary concerns was the lack of diversity among the creators of the AI profiles, which led to accusations of inauthentic representation and "virtual blackface". Additionally, users were unable to block these AI profiles, which raised concerns about privacy and control.
In response to the backlash, Meta has decided to discontinue its AI-powered profiles on Facebook and Instagram. The company acknowledged that the experiment had highlighted several challenges and concerns, including issues with transparency, user consent, and data privacy. As Meta continues to develop and integrate AI technologies, it will be essential for the company to address these concerns and prioritize user trust and autonomy.