NewRA is a cloud-based AI tool designed for enterprises to create and manage intelligent chatbots using their own data. It leverages modern AI models to automate and enhance enterprise conversations by repurposing and organizing interactions based on the company's specific data.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Intelligent Chatbots: Facilitates the creation of advanced chatbots tailored to enterprise needs.
  • Data Integration: Utilizes company data to improve chatbot performance and relevance.
  • Automation: Automates interactions, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.
  • Modern AI Models: Compatible with the latest AI technologies for enhanced functionality.

Pros and Cons


  • Customizable chatbots that leverage company-specific data.
  • Enhances efficiency by automating enterprise conversations.
  • Utilizes up-to-date AI models for improved performance.


  • May require significant initial setup and data integration.
  • The effectiveness of chatbots depends on the quality and extent of the company's data.

Who is the Tool For?

NewRA is ideal for enterprises looking to build and manage intelligent chatbots that can handle complex interactions and automate processes based on their proprietary data. It is particularly suited for companies seeking to enhance customer service and internal communications through AI-driven solutions.

Pricing Packages

For specific pricing details, it is best to contact NewRA directly through their website, as pricing may vary based on the scale of deployment and the features required.

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