

ScreenAI is a macOS application that leverages advanced multimodal AI to automate and streamline various tasks based on screenshots. When a screenshot is taken, the AI processes and interprets its content, facilitating actions such as scheduling, explaining content, or replying to chats.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Automated Task Management: Processes screenshots to automate tasks like scheduling and replying to messages.
  • Content Interpretation: Uses AI to understand and interpret the content of screenshots for various actions.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Enhances productivity by integrating task automation with screenshot capabilities.


  • Automates repetitive tasks based on visual content, saving time and effort.
  • Provides intelligent responses and actions based on screenshot content.
  • Integrates seamlessly with macOS, offering a streamlined workflow.


  • The accuracy of automated actions may depend on the complexity of the screenshot content.
  • May require initial setup and adjustment to fully align with user preferences and workflows.

Who is the Tool For?

Ideal for macOS users looking to enhance productivity by automating tasks and streamlining workflows based on visual content from screenshots.

Pricing Packages:

Pricing details are not specified on the website.

About the author


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