

Extracurrify is a college preparation platform that leverages artificial intelligence to provide personalized advice to high school students. The platform focuses on guiding students through the college application process, helping them enhance their profiles and improve their chances of admission.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Personalized Advice: AI-driven recommendations tailored to individual student profiles and goals.
  • Application Guidance: Assistance with various aspects of the college application process, including essay writing, extracurricular activities, and interview preparation.
  • Profile Enhancement: Helps students identify and engage in activities that strengthen their college applications.
  • College Fit Analysis: Provides insights into colleges that align with students' interests and academic strengths.

Pros and Cons:


  • Tailored Recommendations: Offers advice specific to each student’s needs and aspirations.
  • Comprehensive Support: Covers multiple facets of the college application process, from application strategies to personal statements.
  • Improved Chances: Aims to enhance students' profiles to increase their chances of admission to desired colleges.


  • AI Limitations: Recommendations are based on AI algorithms, which may not capture all nuances of individual circumstances.
  • Availability: Effectiveness may vary depending on the depth of data and resources available to the platform.

Who is the Tool For?

Extracurrify is ideal for high school students preparing for college, as well as parents and educators seeking to support students through the application process. It is particularly useful for those who want personalized advice to navigate the complexities of college admissions.

Pricing Packages:

  • Free Plan: Basic access to general advice and tips for college preparation.
  • Standard Plan: Enhanced features including personalized recommendations and application support.
  • Premium Plan: Comprehensive access with advanced guidance, detailed profile enhancement, and exclusive resources. Pricing details are available upon request.
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